Project information

  • Category: Huawei Migration Project
  • Client: CenturyLink
  • Project date: October 12, 2020 - January 15, 2021

Huawei Migration CenturyLink

I was subcontracted by CenturyLink to help migrate their clients from Hauwei equipment to newer Alcatel/Infernera/Cisco equipment. I was responsbile for designing routes, installing LC/SC fiber jumpers, Testing for packet loss, and circuit migration with Ciena technical support overnight. In my spare time I mined old fiber clogging up the fiber trays, clearing up space for the future of our internet. I also developed a formula for calculating the fiber meter size based on the distance between pointA and PointB, which could be used to lower labor costs and provide better insight to needs for entire projects, allowing for better spending.